The New Bottles Are Here!!!!
After a very busy Christmas, New Years, and my best friend's wedding, I now have to get down to business! The new bottles made it to my apartment in Brooklyn on December 22nd while I was in Colorado visiting my family. Thank God my kind landlady Heidi was home to receive the 13 boxes of the 5000 bottles! So here I am, updating the site with the new photos that I shot- some about a month ago and some this morning in my kitchen with a new pair of pointe shoes, a tu-tu and my cat Pierre as my first assistant. (He's not that great but accepts payment in Fancy Feast!) While I was in Colorado I visited two dance stores that want to order! I literally held back the tears. It's been a really long year as I quit my very stable job as a grant writer to follow this new path. I'm very fortunate to have such an incredible support system. My best friend Zoe was a pointe shoe fitter for years and worked at a huge dance store in Los Angeles as well as worked for Capezio and Grishko in New York. My dad is very interested in making my spread sheets a bit more organized- hopefully making sense to the madness of creating a new business, calculating projections, and of course figuring out how many bottles I have to sell in a year in order to not just survive in NYC but thrive! And then there's me- a dancer with a video shoot, a performance for fashion week and a tour in the summer lined up. Dancer's work ethics are immense and I believe that with focus, concentration and a lot of hard work, I can continue to train, choreograph, perform and run my business. We shall see.... Happy New Year everyone! To new beginnings! Love Kate